I'm Barnacle Bill.
We can provide you with sailing and power boat instruction and delivery services including long distance delivery. Check under the training section for information. Typically we conduct the training on your boat or on a charter vessel. We do have one performance C&C sailboat in the fleet that the instructor/owner is happy to take you out on, even for extended cruises.
I heavily use the Dreamspeaker series of books but I am finding that the information they contain is getting a bit dated. As a result, I decided to start documenting my travels and showing what are the best destinations to see. Once there, what is there to do. As a result, this website is dedicated to providing useful cruising information to help you also find your way around and enjoy what the Southern Gulf Islands, Vancouver Island and the Sunshine Coast has to offer.
I have also included a section on Around Vancouver Island (AVI) to provide general information on the various destinations and resources available at those destinations for those who wish a greater challenge.
This information is certainly not complete and will continue to grow as I continue sailing in these waters. I strongly recommend picking up a cruising guide like Dreamspeaker for the specific area you are sailing, even though it is dated, it still contains a lot of useful information.
Happy Sailing...Barnacle Bill